First Event of Burmese Historical Museum Project -Road to YCDC-

2019-12-01edit MyoMinThu

One of Myanmar Historical intelligentsia, Dr. Than Htun once said, “Learning history is to be smart.” This saying was influenced in my adolescent days and it was a driving force for me to read the historical books. I do believe that life without learning history would be worthless. I learned the Burmese alphabet. To say exactly, I studied the alphabets enthusiastically by comparing it with the historical events of the Bagan period. The writing style of Burmese in the Innwa era; was rather fluent, and you can see it in Razadarit Ayedawbon, a Burmese chronicle covering the history of Ramanya from 1287 to 1421, which was written by Mon minister Banya Dala. However, we can study the alphabets which were inscribed about 1,000 years ago as it calls for state of the art technology to examine thoroughly.

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First Event of Burmese Historical Museum Project -Road to YCDC-
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