A Morning amongst clouds and mountains from Kalaw (Camping Adventure in Kalaw)

2019-10-30edit Htoo
Reading time - 4 min 53 sec

Have you ever wondered about what you can experience in Kalaw? Well, if you have, this blog might be the answer to all of your curiosities.

Trekking the mountains of Kalaw in a sundown evening.

  • Waking up in the company of clouds between the mountains in the morning.
  • Looking up the stars in the night-time.
  • Spending time chit-chatting by the campfire.

    I wanted to experience the above activities and make an escape from the city-life so I decided to go on a camping adventure in Kalaw. Kalaw is famous for trekking and its breathtakingly beautiful fields of flowers and crops. For this time, I wanted to make a new experience in Kalaw by camping among the mountains, feeling the night-life underneath the stars and pleasant morning amid clouds. So, I spent my time in Kalaw experiencing camping adventure after trekking a mountain and making a tent on that mountain.
    One of my closest friends, U Ye, asked me if I would like to go camping in Kalaw since he found a nice spot there the other day. I am the man of saying ‘no’ to adventures so I immediately say ‘yes’ to his offer and started packing. I was longing for camping but it might be boring if I am all alone so it was like an oasis in the desert for me being asked to come along with a group of people.
    Actually, I have written this article a year ago but I would like to make a recap of what I have adventured there and also would like people to know more about the camping culture. One thing you need to be aware that camping is not allowed in some parts of the country so you have to research carefully where to go.


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A Morning amongst clouds and mountains from Kalaw (Camping Adventure in Kalaw)
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