Do and don't in Myanmar

2019-11-08edit MingalaGO
Reading time - 1 min 54 sec
  1. Shorts are not allowed to wear in pagodas
  2. Should prioritize monks, disabled people, and pregnant women
  3. Take off your shoes when entering a house
  4. Bend your back when you pass in front of elders
  5. Avoid patting the head
  6. Kissing in public is unacceptable
  7. It's weird to call full names

Shorts are not allowed to wear in pagodas

Photo by Cheng Q on Unsplash
In here, it's extremely prohibited to wear shorts not only in pagodas but also in all religious places. You must wear Myanmar traditional costume or any appropriate outfit which has to be under knee-lengthed. Besides, you are also demanded to come bare-footed. You can either bring your shoes in a plastic bag or leave them at the counter.


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Do and don't in Myanmar
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