Jan Jan Jan Japanese Ramen

ဘတ်ဂျက်12,000 Kyats
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There are many different kinds of restaurants located in Yangon such as Western, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and many more. One of the most astonishing restaurants I have visited is called Jan Jan Jan Japanese Ramen. It’s located on the 3rd floor of Myanmar Plaza. It is an authentic Japanese noodle restaurant that specializes in traditional Japanese alcoholic drinks and Ramen. The traditional flavor of the restaurant is beyond the imagination and the atmosphere and decorations are amazing too. I recommend you to try Miso Ramen which is my every time favorite and the smells of the ramen always make me feel hungry. The meaning of “Jan Jan Jan” is Rare taste as of their saying.

Location and Information

လိပ်စာ Unit 314, 3rd Floor, Myanmar Plaza, Bahan Township, Yangon
TEL (+95) 9 440440445
Web https://www.facebook.com/janjanjanjapaneseramen/
ဖွင့်မည် 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
ခရက်ဒစ်ကဒ် Visa, Master, MPU, CB pay
Seats 100
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