Hotel Overview
Perfectly nestled in the heart of Old Bagan, BaobaBed Hostel Bagan exemplifies the best of Hostel's life has to offer. Founded by a team of passionate Burmese travelers that grouped together to help travelers from all over the world to make their stay unforgettable. Guests can also enjoy the on-site local restaurant. Hotel's staff are trained and knowledgeable, whether you need tips for sightseeing, bus and ferry bookings, or recommendations around the wonderful cities of Myanmar. Offering both private and dormitory rooms with AC, free reliable Wi-Fi in all areas and a 24-hour front desk service. Secured key access codes, complimentary towels, bed linen, and comfortable pillows will be provided to each guest. Complimentary hot and healthy homemade breakfast will be served daily on the rooftop poolside. All-day free flows coffee, tea & Burmese cigars are provided in the lobby area. Guests also can enjoy onsite Bar and Restaurant that offers premium coffee and locally sourced farm to table menu. Daily social events, happy hour and free traditional food tasting will be available for the guests.
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