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Hotel Overview
Royal Nadi Resort provides information about interesting places surrounding the area and is ready to arrange all types of transportation via the concierge. The 74 cozy and brilliantly furnished rooms promise guests to engage with nature as they are surrounded by breathtaking views of the mountains and the lake of Shan state. Convenient to visit Inlay Lake, Nga Phe Kyaung, Yan Pyay Pagoda, Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda, and other interesting places around the lake, staff can arrange a trip for you to visit the traditional weaving home that produces the traditional Shan dress. It also gives you the opportunity to check out the vineyards and wondering around pine forests and green tea plantations. Other special tour plans are available at the resort such as the Inlay trip, Pindaya trip, and Taung Gyi Trip. Royal Nadi Resort is standing by to serve you with the best and genuine services offering complete facilities to support your extraordinary trip.
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