One of the oldest traditions in Myanmar: Betel chewing

2018-11-02edit Pam

Betel-chewing (Source: wikimedia)
Myanmar is the country rich in traditions and cultures, and betel chewing has been playing the main role since the ancient times of Myanmar.

History of betel chewing or Kwun-ya

Betel-chewing (Source: McKay Savage)
Betel chewing in Myanmar have been practicing long before the beginning of the recorded history. It is in fact regarded as one of the essential identities even in the royal family back in the Kings’ times. Betel chewing is mostly found in the Southeast Asia countries like India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and of course, Myanmar. Depending on the country and tradition, betel chewing has many names and the ingredients in it differs slightly. People believe that betel chewing is good for freshening the breath yet there are many studies and evidences showing that betel chewing is addicted and later lead to oral health issues in severe cases, even to oral cancer. Back in the old days, women and girls would chew betel to stain their lips red for dressing up.

What really is Kwun-ya and how do we chew it?

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One of the oldest traditions in Myanmar: Betel chewing
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