Breakout Yangon, a game program play with a team in a room with the missions

2018-12-30edit Phoo Pwint



Breakout Yangon is a type of game program where you have to escape out the room filled with missions. From 2 to 8 people are allowed to play in one game, as each person will be given a certain type of character.

There are 8 different characters in total with superpowers or abilities that can be used during the game. Those characters are Assassin, Healer, Oracle, Gemini, Time bender, Lock master, Light bringer, and Scholar. Assassin is a person who can kill another person to receive a hint while the healer has the power to give those abilities back. Light bringer is allowed to bring a flashlight into the mission room. Oracle and scholar must memorize several clues before entering the game room. Time bender must be used for gaining the additional 5 minutes after the given amount of game time is running out. Gemini can replicate an ability of another person except lock master, assassin and healer. On the other hand, the lock master is given a hint for the mission number six as it is the hardest level among the entire mission.

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Breakout Yangon, a game program play with a team in a room with the missions
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