An Icy Village called Bernard from Mogok

2020-01-06edit Htoo

As the world is suffering from global warming, the weather becomes hotter day by day impacting peoples’ living. For the peace of mind and ease of soul, there’s no doubt that everyone will love to go to cool and pleasant places if they have a chance to go on a vacation. That’s why cities in Myanmar, embracing us within cold weather become well-visited among travelers these days.

Recently, from the land of ruby called Mogok which is situated amongst distant snowcapped mountains and forests, there was found a village where it became frosty and shivery in winter’s mornings. The village started to gain its popularity during these years that in winter, there can be seen many travelers who are always busy taking photographs on the ice fields. On some days when the weather is not cold enough to get icy, there will always be some travelers who made click sound with their tongue showing their displeasure for losing the chance to experience the popular snow-covering surroundings.

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An Icy Village called Bernard from Mogok
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