Kaba Aye Pagoda or World Peace Pagoda

2018-10-16edit Soe

Kaba-Aye-Pagoda Thiri Mingala Gaba Aye Zedidaw
The majority religion of Myanmar is a Theravada Buddhism and around 90% of the population is Buddhist. The Buddhism began in the early 11th century in Bagan by the Bamar King Anawrahta. That’s why there are so many ancient pagodas, temples & monasteries which are the most fascinating historical landmarks of the country. Among them, Kaba Aye Pagoda, formally known as Thiri Mingala Gaba Aye Zedidaw, is one of the most popular pagodas of the country. But Kaba Aye pagoda is not one of the ancient pagodas because it was built in 1952 by U Nu who was the prime minister of Burma at that time to hold the Sixth Buddhist Council from 1954 to 1956.


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Kaba Aye Pagoda or World Peace Pagoda
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