The atmosphere is calming and the décor is exquisite -Koffee Korner-

2018-10-20edit Storm

Koffee-Korner What is one thing that everyone has in common no matter where in the world they come from? Food! Everyone, loves food. And in this city, we can say that our taste buds are in paradise. The food in Myanmar as a whole is delicious but there is something about Mandalay that makes you fall in love with the cuisine almost immediately! Upon arriving in Mandalay, our taste buds were not familiar with the local delicacies and so out of habit the first place we looked for was a Western/European Restaurant.
Koffee Korner is located on 27th Street and 70th Street. This street has many restaurants ranging from local to Western foods giving you the choice of what you want to eat that day. Koffee Korner specifically is a Western inspired Restaurant. It’s not too difficult to come across, all you have to do is keep a sharp eye open for fairy lights placed lightly in the trees outside of the shop. The lights sure do set the scene in the evenings.
Once you have found it you can now decide if you would like to enjoy your meal outside while admiring the surroundings or if you would prefer to enjoy your time under air conditioner, admiring the marine life that swims in a fish tank carefully placed in the middle of the restaurant, whichever you choose, you will not be disappointed. 

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The atmosphere is calming and the décor is exquisite -Koffee Korner-
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