One Day expedition to Forgotten over 100 years old Monasteries as 160th anniversary of Mandalay celebrated

2019-07-17edit nyeinsuwai

Historicity, traditional culture, and antiques are invaluable heritages. Some might say that these heritages are the responsibilities of their respective devotees but, in my opinion, all the citizens are also responsible for their heritages. You can see how much they are enthusiastic to keep and maintain their heritages is what a gauge of how much they value these precious presents of their ancestors. You can simply measure how much they love their history and culture by this gauge. If you come across Mandalay City and do not want to go around other places, which are so accustomed and monotonous for you, I would like to introduce somewhere else which you would be interested in. Also, the people live in the Mandalay can visit there. You can enjoy your trip as an expedition of Architecture artworks, taking photographs.



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One Day expedition to Forgotten over 100 years old Monasteries as 160th anniversary of Mandalay celebrated
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