Mount Victoria, Khonuamthung in Chin language, among Mist of Unique Chin State

2019-10-29edit nyeinsuwai

There are not many places where endangered species, children of Nature are dwelling, and natural flora and fauna are inhabiting among high mountain ranges in the Myanmar. Among those places, the Chin State is well-known metaphorically, as amazing State of the Myanmar, where the Chin tribe, residents of the State are living so harmony with the very nature and let’s make a thrilling trip to the Khonuamthung, Mount Victoria, which is the queen of natural beauty in the State.

Legend of Khonuamthung

The Khonuamthung, queen of natural beauty is located in Chin State, above 10700 feet of sea-level and it is third of Myanmar's highest mountains. During the Colonial era, the authorities called it Mount Victoria, named after Queen Victoria. In the local Chin language, the Mount is called Khonuamthung and Nat Ma Taung is Burmese name for the Mountain but, the Chin tribe doesn’t like much Burmese name of the Mount.

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Mount Victoria, Khonuamthung in Chin language,  among Mist of Unique Chin State
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