Myanmar People and I

2018-09-30edit Mya Nandar

Myanmar-People-and-I My Name is Chatsuda Sukplang. I visited Myanmar for the first time is 2012 when my boss sent me to work at our affiliated office in Yangon. After that, my opinion about Myanmar has changed completely.
Before my first visit to Myanmar, I knew very little about this country. I had traveled to many countries, but Myanmar had never been on my wish list. After I learned about the people and culture, I was keen to study their language. Since then, the door to Myanmar has been opened wider to me because now I can speak, read and write the language. Now I have many Myanmar friends and I have visited many cities in the country during the past years until now.

Myanmar-People-and-I During my first trip to Yangon, I noticed that not many Myanmar people could speak English. This was opposite to what I thought before, as I misunderstood that they could speak some English. Thus, I had some language problems when I tried to communicate with local people such as office workers, taxi drivers and vendors. Therefore, I decided to study the Myanmar language. I googled for Myanmar teachers in Bangkok and I found a man who offered to teach me at my office. His name was Saya Sam, so he was my first Myanmar teacher. 

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