Thaing, Myanmar traditional Martial Art

2020-05-21edit Ye Naung

Photo credited to - Myanmar Thaing Federation (MTF)
At a donation ceremony in a village, you would see Myanmar folk dance, U Shwe Yoe and Daw Moe, along with musical troupe. Besides, I hope that you had also seen swords dance which is performing in beautiful movement, but in a very forceful way, in a rhythmic combination with Shan Pot Drum, there.

Photo credited to - Myanmar Thaing Federation (MTF)

The shan pot drum can stimulate one’s mindset so much in a very fantastic way and the sword Thaing dancer is dancing amazingly as if he and the swords combined into oneness. The dancer formulated his dance by merging the martial art and dance skill in perfect ratio. It is the intangible heritage of ancient Myanmar, and they handed down it to us after they carried it over the centuries.

Photo credited to - Myanmar Thaing Federation (MTF) 

So to say strictly, it is Myanmar Traditional Martial Art, “Thaing”. The root of those swords dances, beautiful spear dance, and one of today’s popular competitive sports, Myanmar traditional Lethwei, is Myanmar traditional Thaing.

Every nation has its traditional martial art. In Japan, there is Aikido, Judo, and Karate, in china, there is Win Chun kung fu, Taekwondo in Korea, and Muay Tai boxing in Thailand. We, Myanmar also has our traditional martial art, it is “Thaing.”



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