My Hometown Called Myeik

2019-09-14edit Htoo

Myeik, located in the extreme south of Myanmar, is getting popular in these years and there are nearly over 8000 islands near Myeik. Yet the tourism management is not well developed but perhaps I’ll settle down there when I’m old. It’s been a while since I’ve been to Myeik so I have decided to go there and set out immediately after ESCAPERS 17 event. It’s kind of boring at my home at Myeik because nobody’s there but my hometown is still snuggling for me as always. People first imagine such as Virgin Island and beaches when it comes to Myeik. There are over 800 islands between Myeik and Kawt Thaung. Islands near Kawt Thaung are more beautiful and have bigger waves. Anyway, I want to describe mainly about Myeik in this blog.


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