Products of Myanmar I

2019-12-23edit Lapyae

It’s no secret that ours is a developing country. Nowadays, there are some products that are qualified to export. There’s nothing to tell their quality, taste, and packaging. I can tell it’d be really good if you buy these products to give your family and friends as a present. So, I’m going to tell our great local products that you might be interested in. In this article, I’d like to share tea leaves products.

Maw Shan

Maw Shan used good quality raw materials and produced by German Technology. It was rewarded outstanding award of tea, Outstanding award of laphet(Tomato laphet), SME 2nd Award (Shan State and Kayar State). Maw Shan produces Lemon Laphet, Olive Laphet, Tomato Laphet, Glutinous Tea Leave, and Sun-dried (handmade) special tea. Maw Shan products are now available in some countries. They are Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom, United States, and Korea. In Myanmar, you can get this at Marketplace, City Mart and Ocean and some supermarkets.

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Products of Myanmar I
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