Saung Naing Gyi - A marvellous waterfall

2019-02-12edit Swan

Saung-Naing-Gyi Myanmar is full of fascinating places in the nooks and corners which are still unspoiled. If you are searching for indeed clean, fresh and clear waterfall, there is Saung Naing Gyi, a natural waterfall lies near Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda that you should go and visit.

Saung-Naing-Gyi I started my budget trip by train from Yangon Central Train Station at 7:00 am on Saturday morning. It takes 5 hours for the journey to Kyaikhto Train Station. The train fare costs only 2,500 Kyats for one way. You can also take Express buses from Aung Mingala highway bus station. The bus ticket will cost around 15,000 Kyats and will also take around 5 hours for the trip. 

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