Shwe Yo Vintage Hostel

2018-10-13edit MyoMinThu

Shwe-Yo-Vintage-Hostel Shwe-Yo-Vintage-Hostel Shwe-Yo-Vintage-Hostel Shwe Yo Vintage Hostel is situated in downtown area, Lanmadaw Township. So, it is very close with China Town and you can go everywhere easily from there. The building was built in 1950 and the owner gets the idea of decorating the hostel in the cultural sprit of 1960 vintage style. The beautiful paintings that possess the different storylines and you can see all those on the wall of the hostel everywhere.

Shwe-Yo-Vintage-Hostel Shwe Yo Vintage Hostel Shwe-Yo-Vintage-Hostel Shwe-Yo-Vintage-Hostel Shwe-Yo-Vintage-Hostel Shwe-Yo-Vintage-Hostel It was first opened in 2016 and the reception is 24 hours open for the customers. Most of the customers are foreigners and few local customers stay in there. The main customers are from Europe: mostly France & Germany but during these months the customers from Asian countries such as Thai, Japan, Indonesia and Korea also come and stay in the hostel. The hostel has 3 rooms of dorm room with 8 bunk beds, 1 room of dorm room with 6 bunk beds, 1 room of dorm room with 4 bunk beds, 1 family room, 3 double rooms and 1 suite room.

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