Are Myanmar people superstitious?

2020-05-20edit MingalaGO

Not every Myanmar but some in rural areas are superstitious. Every culture has its own superstitions. It is interesting in some ways. I will mention some of Myanmar.

Photo by MaiteTiscar (

Some most common superstitions are found in rural people. These are some.

Don’t play with the scissors. It will make your parents fight.

Don’t keep broken glasses or mirrors in houses. That will bring back luck to the family member.

Don’t cut nails at night. It leads to misfortune. In the same way, throw away the nails outside your house after the nail cut.

Don’t across the ladder and the rope hanging women skirts or Longyi. It will lose your will power.

Don’t hit pots and pans. You will face starvation.

Don’t play hide and seeks after sunset. The devil will hide the hiders forever.

Don’t buy the raw meat late at night. The ghost will follow to your home.

Don’t let the kids go out late at night, the ghost will possess them.

Don’t pick the flowers or leaves late at night, the ghost will come to your house.

If your family members are not good in health, free birds and fishes. That will make a speedy recovery.

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