Tagaung, the mysterious ancient city of Myanmar
2020-01-17edit Kyaw Hsu MonIf you are growing up with bedtime stories by your grandparents, you would definitely familiar with Mg PaukKyaing, the King who victory to the Dragon King in your childhood life.
Mg PaukKyaing, lived in TagaungPyi which is powerful and has a long historic city of Upper Myanmar. Since I was a childhood, I have enjoyed a lot about Myanmar hero stories, Mg PaukKyaing story is one of most favorites in my life.
Tagaung has many histories and stories but some said most stories are legend. However, I have a dream to visit one day to Tagaung city as many people said ‘Tagaung is the root of Myanmar People’ ‘Myanmar AsaTagaungKa’. As there are many historic objects found around Tagaung city that Pyu dynasty was settled since tho usands of years ago which is earlier than the Bagan dynasty.
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