Than Lyin, home of the largest port of Myanmar

2018-11-04edit yenaung

Than-Lyin Hello everyone! Welcome to our Golden Land, Myanmar. It is one of the south East Asian countries and which is one of the most interesting country full with breathtaking pagodas and beautiful places. This country is famous not only in South East Asia but also in the world for its uniqueness. Myanmar is one of the famous countries which possess the glittering pagodas, unique mountain ranges, beautiful rivers & streams, ancient buildings, amazing culture and wonderful local foods. The international travelers come into this pleasant country in any seasons every year. Most of the travelers call Myanmar as “Golden Land” on account of its glittering golden pagodas, unique natural landscapes and rich of the natural resources. Lots of tourists usually visit the well-known and famous places in Myanmar such as Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan, Popa Area, Pyin Oo Lwin (May Myo), Taung Gyi, Inle, Kalaw, Nawe Saung, Ngapali and many more. But they don’t really notice a place where beautiful historical island on the other side across the Yangon Than Lyin Bridge called Than Lyin. Now I am willing to describe about this ancient city which has many interesting historical stories, places and ancient pagoda. Than Lyin area has many historical facts, beautiful locations and other interesting things.

Than-Lyin_1 Than Lyin is situated in Yangon region and which is about over 1386 years now. If you to visit to this region, you have to spend about 45 minutes by car and then you are going to arrive at Than Lyin city. This city is in temperate zone and also an agricultural land. It is a home of the largest port of the country called Thilawa Port and Thilawa Industrial Zone is also in this city. There are many factories and mills in this industrial zone. Therefore this city is going to be a developing city. In this city, transport is convenience and there are many schools, hospitals, supermarkets, cinemas, universities and gardens. Tha Bar Wa Meditation Center is also popular among the foreigner. Especially, this city is the land of pagoda.

Than-Lyin It is situated at the South-Eastern part of Yangon city. This city and its surrounding regions are very pleasant and quiet. In the city, there are many religions such as Buddhist, Christian, Islam, Sikh and Hindu. All of the pagodas and temples are located closely and all the people are stay peacefully. This city has fair weather and balance population. So the travelers spend few hours ride the city express and can enjoy many green areas, the plains scatter with vibrant color of wild flowers, a few slope and hills that beautifully form as the backdrop of the city which attracts the visitors.

Than-Lyin Than Lyin is located at the Southern place of Bago River. It was the main seaport of Myanmar since 1000 years ago. Between AD 8th to 16th centuries, the guilds of Arab and some adventures sailed to discover to the sea to the eastern and they were traded with Eastern countries. The guilds of Arab arrived in Than Lyin city around AD 8th century. Than Lyin city have many famous places to visit and popular among the travelers. It is one of the most popular cities in Myanmar and it was also one of the ancient cities of Myanmar Kings. Than Lyin was also called "Syriam" once upon a time and which is situated at the corner of Yangon River and Bago River. There were many nationalities in this area. They were Portuguese, French, English and Armenian in the colonial era. Mainly, they were traders, shipbuilders, sailors, ship-owners, workers and mercenaries. That’s why this city had wide range of religions.

1. Kyaik Khauk Pagoda

Than-Lyin (Source: Wikimedia) Than-Lyin (Source: Wikimedia)
This pagoda is situated on the Hlaingpotkon Hill (local people know this hill as Oaktayanga Hill), which is the highest hill in this area. It was built by the King Sulathrima of Thaton over 2300 years ago. It is located on the main road of Kyaik Khauk Pagoda Road which is about 20 minutes by car from the downtown area. It was built in Mon-style stupa with ancient Mon architectural styles and which looks similar with Shwedagon Pagoda and has four stairways to the Pagoda. The festival of Kyaik Khauk Pagoda is celebrating every year in February (the 1st waxing to full moon of Tabodwe, 11th month of the Burmese lunar calendar). It is the second biggest festival in Myanmar and it is also one of the most popular tourist attractions in Than Lyin. The entrance fees for the foreigners are 1 USD per person and the opening hours are from 06:00 AM - 08:00 PM.

2. Catacomb of Nat Shin Naung

It is situated northern part of Kyaik Khauk Pagoda. Nat Shin Naung was a King of Than Lyin once upon a time. You can see the ancient Mon architectural at the catacomb. If you are interested in the history and culture, you should go there and I am sure you can get a story about the King of Than Lyin.

3. Kyaik Hmaw Wun Yele Pagoda

Than-Lyin (Source: Wikimedia)
It is formally known as Kyauk Tan Yele Pagoda and which was built over 2000 years ago by King Zeyasana who was the 7th King of the Pada Dynasty in the 3rd century BC. It is situated at the 15 km South of Than Lyin and in Kyauk Tan Township. This pagoda is located on the small island in Hmaw Wun Creek. The only way to get to the pagoda is taking the boats. The local can take small boats (which costs 200 Kyats per person) to across the creek but the foreigners have to take larger boats (which costs 5 USD per person for round trip). There are two amazing facts about the pagoda is that no matter how crowded at the Pagoda platform there always have enough space for all the people and the pagoda platform is never flooded with water whenever there has high tide. You can see lots of souvenir shops and restaurants near the jetty and along the waterfront area. The entrance fees for the foreigners are 2 USD and the opening hours are from 06:00 AM - 06:00 PM.

4. Crypt of Minister Padeatha Yarzar

Minister Padeatha Yarzar was the famous minister at the time of ancient Myanmar King. This crypt is located between Than Lyin - Kyauk Tan Road and Thilawa Road. Most of the archaeologists come and visit this place.

5. Portuguese Catholic Church Ruins

Than-Lyin (Source: Wikimedia)
It is situated in Burma Oil Company (BOC) compound, Than Lyin Oil Refinary Factory, which is still operating since 1925 and near the Yangon – Than Lyin Bridge. This church was built in 1747 and it was completed in 1750. It was donated by Nicolas De Agualar who was the Armenian trader and it was cost about 60000 Rupee. The church is built in Italy architectural style and there is a tomb of Phillip Di Brito inside of the giant walls of the church. There are only 3 main walls still standing covered with weeds, mosses & creepers and some flooring is still left. The view of the church ruins is so picturesque. This is good place to explore the ancient time and enjoy taking some photos as a memory. This can be one of the interesting places when you go visit to Than Lyin and I am sure it is worth to make a visit.

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Than Lyin, home of the largest port of Myanmar
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