Famous Street Food

Budget3000 – 12000 Kyats
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No smoking
No smoking

Restaurant Overview

Famous Street Food is located in the downtown area of Mandalay city, which is an ideal place and famous among seafood and Thai Style lovers.  It has varieties of fresh seafood (fish, clam, prawn, crab, scallop, etc.), Thai cuisines, BBQ, soups, desserts, wines, beers, and fresh juices. t is usually crowded with locals especially on weekends. It serves the big portion foods which are good to share with friends and families. 

Location and Information

Address Corner of 85th street & 33rd street, Mandalay
TEL (+95)797499939
Website https://www.facebook.com/famousstreetfood1
Open 4 PM – 9 PM
Credit Card Yes
Seats 60
Booking Seat Accept 2 person and above
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