Feel Restaurant Myanmar (9 Miles branch)

Budget2,000 Kyats – 7,000Kyats
star star star star star 1 User review

Credit Card
Credit Card
No smoking
No smoking
Online Booking
Online Booking
Car Parking
Car Parking

Restaurant Overview

Feel Restaurant Myanmar is the most popular local restaurant in Yangon. They have over 30 branches not only in Yangon but also in the other cities. Of course, they open the new branches because of the big fan of customers and the quality of the foods. They provide various traditional foods from different parts of the country as well as Chinese and Thai cuisines. If you want to try famous brand foods, Feel Restaurants will give you satisfaction. 9 Miles branch is for the customers who want to enjoy foods with clean and fresh atmosphere since the area of the restaurant is large. They serve the Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Location and Information

Address No. 68, Taw Win Street, 9 Miles, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar
TEL (+95) 9 253059994, (+95) 9 253059995, (+95) 9 253059996
Web https://www.facebook.com/feelrestaurant.mm/
Open 6:00AM – 8:00PM
Credit Card Visa
Seats 200
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3 / 5 (1 Users review)
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What people say...
Amanda Avila Amanda Avila
star star star star star
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star star star star star
star star star star star
star star star star star

A good place to experience burmese traditional food

They have so many kinds of traditional foods and desserts to choose from.
Not like street typical burmese tea shop, the cleanliness and the service is outstanding.
They also have lots of branches coz i tried in Yangon and Bagan.
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