Rich Bar

Budget3,000 – 9,000 Kyats
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Restaurant Overview

Rich bar offer the tasty Chinese and European menu with varieties of choices. It is well known for their wine shelves which is kind of heaven for the wine lover. Not only this, they also have other alcoholic menus, beers and shisha. Their popular menus are Sour Pork, Cucumber Salad, Pizza and Beef Steak. They accept any kind of parties, gathering & events and also offer free decoration with varieties of Chinese or European food choices or set menus. They have 2 floors and the decoration is kind of cozy, romantic and nice place to take photos from every corner.

Location and Information

Address No. 102, Kabaraye Pagoda Road, Nawaday Cinema Compound, Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar
TEL (+95) 9 696868666, (+95) 9 43203888, (+95) 9 773999888
Open 5:00 PM – 0:00 AM
Credit Card No
Seats 80
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