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Restaurant Overview

Sumlut Kachin restaurant was started to open as street food restaurant and became very popular because of its reasonable price and delicious Kachin style BBQ sticks. Its original street food restaurant was situated at the corner of Baho Road and Pathein Street. They opened as an official restaurant according to the customer needed six months ago. Their BBQ sticks are spicy (you can arrange the spicy levels too) and I am surely recommend that you will love this restaurant. The size of the restaurant is a little bit small but compact. The customers can enjoy various kind of Kachin style BBQ, Grill fish wrap in foil and Khout-Sint-Pa-Htoo (Kachin traditional cuisine), salads and cold beverages. I recommend you to try Khout-Sint-Pa-Htoo and BBQ since those are the popular menu among the customers.

Location and Information

Address No. 2, Corner of Sayar Tun Road and San Yay Twin Road, Sanchaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar
TEL (+95) 9 762502990
Open 4:00PM–9:30PM
Credit Card No
Seats 25
Remarks Kachin traditional restaurant
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