Trademerk Café @ Myanmar Plaza

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Restaurant Overview

Trademark is founded in April 2015 and offer multi-cuisines such as cakes, sandwiches, dessert, pastries and varieties of signature dinks. They made all the sweets and pastries in house and deliver to their café every morning so all are very fresh and tasty. The popular menus are brownies, Panini, charcoal bread and Cappuccino. The other signature menus are Granola Parfait, Ice Frosted Brownie Crumble and Matcha Espresso Macchiato. Moreover, you can also order the customize cakes to the Café. Trademark focus on the grab and go concept by young professional team and trying to serve the excellent quality foods & drinks with reasonable price. It offers the customizable catering boxes with the minimum order of 10 and above. They give services not only to the customers but also to the B2B businesses like Bar, Hotel and Restaurants. It is also linked with “Yangon Door 2 Door” and “Delivery Ink” for the delivery services.

Location and Information

Address No. 192, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Myanmar Plaza, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar
TEL (+95) 9 264274284
Open 8:30AM – 9:00PM
Credit Card No
Seats 20
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